Missed Education 101
Missed Education 101
Missed Education 101 (ME: 101) is a virtual class that helps you connect knowledge using Matrix Thinking and Matrix Maps.
Matrix Thinking is the networking activity that helps you link knowledge within and across a series of informal courses. The point is to discover what you miss in single-subject classes and to see how well you can connect this new information using a matrix, a rectangular graphic filled with words and ideas from many disciplines. The courses have been adapted into guides called Matrix Maps and together they form a master class, a class that emphasizes performance-based learning, creativity and systems thinking. The Matrix Maps will guide you across a vast amount of interrelated information with ease and intrigue as you investigate and evaluate what you do and don’t know.
Unlike a typical online learning system, ME: 101 is a virtual class and a personal learning management resource designed for interdisciplinary education. It is self-directed and self-paced. You can select from a variety of Matrix Maps and other key resources, and learn as much as you want for as long as you want. ME: 101 has no enrollment fees, and it offers no credits or certificates. What ME: 101 does best is provide tools and resources for those who enjoy thinking outside the box and taking advantage of Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) programs that help busy adults earn college credit at reduced costs.
Though the Matrix Maps are designed to help you make connections and meanings on your own, a consultant is available for guidance. The Matrix Maps will save you a lot of time and effort because they already combine and contextualize information from many academic areas and research sources, making it much easier for you to access and connect the knowledge to be gained by integrating disciplines, but often missed due to the fact that disciplines are separated from grade school to college and will likely remain this way in the future.
Who Benefits?
If you already use Matrix Maps and want access to the entire collection, then you will benefit from ME: 101. If you need more diverse Matrix Maps and more academic resources for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) opportunities that reduce the time and cost of attaining a college education, then you will benefit from ME: 101. If you are an adult learner who wants to make sense of what you are learning inside and outside the classroom, then you can also benefit. ME: 101 provides an easier way for you to discover and experience the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge, adding even more value to your education and skill set.
ME: 101 is personalized learning beyond classrooms, where the real lessons of life occur. The ten biographies include discussion questions that help you to explore how storytelling integrates concepts and issues you already recognize, while the ten Matrix Maps help you understand these stories and your own in larger interdisciplinary contexts. Each Matrix Map is designed to be an easy-to-follow guide for whatever you want to learn online and off. You can follow the class sequence or customize your learning experiences based on your interests. The resources are free, but you can contribute to maintain the site if so desired.
You can purchase your selections as digital files through Gumroad.com. Gumroad serves as both the file retailer and payment processor for ME: 101, ensuring privacy, security, quick payment and fast distribution via email. You can pay with a credit card or through PayPal, and your selections are sent immediately to your email for downloading. Your receipt will allow you to receive free updates of your Matrix Map(s). Please understand that digital purchases are irrevocable transactions. Due to this circumstance, there is a no cash refund policy.
Each twelve-page guide (see Video Previews) contains the following: (1) the diagram that illustrates how all of the Matrix Maps and themes relate as a whole, (2) fifteen matrices, each identifying the key words and ideas that allow the particular theme to be investigated easily and at your convenience, (3) another group of corresponding matrices that lists related documentaries, interviews, panel discussions, news reports, lectures, movies and more that can be easily accessed and enjoyed on YouTube, (4) a list of assignments for learning assessment and portfolio development and (5) an extensive bibliography. Guides are available to help you create a portfolio that documents what you learn.
If you are interested in learning more about Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) opportunities in higher education, you can visit the CPL menu above. To learn more about portfolios, you can visit the Assessment Tools menu above. If you want to meet other people who use Matrix Maps and share reviews, you can visit the Facebook page @Missed Education 101. For program-related questions, you can always contact Jeremy Dennis, the creator and consultant.
ME: 101 will provide you with opportunities to explore the key concepts that inspired the idea of Matrix Thinking.
ME: 101 will provide you with diverse frameworks to practice Matrix Thinking as an interdisciplinary activity that allows you to acquire, combine and interpret knowledge across genres, disciplines and cultures in order to better understand and navigate complex social, political and economic systems.
ME: 101 will provide you with auxiliary resources that help you document the cumulative effects of interdisciplinary education and develop the self-directed learning habits that are necessary for personal growth, lifelong learning and an informed citizenry.
ME: 101 will provide you with auxiliary resources that help you demonstrate (for CPL) proficiency in these key areas of learning: Writing Skills, Intellectual Skills, Applied Learning and Broad, Integrative Knowledge.